Monday, April 14, 2008

Pro-Choice or Pro-Life

Part A:

Hello and Welcome to the blog of the Human Rights, We Stand Forever! My name is Egypt Johnson; I currently am a freshmen student attending Wayne State University, pursuing and working towards by B.S. in Chemistry at this present moment. I may make a change, but have not made a decision to do so. I am also in the Pre-Medicine program so that I can be qualified to attend medical school and come a few steps closer to becoming an Obstetrician/Gynecologist doctor. It’s quite funny because I only am interested in half of what I mentioned in the previous sentence. I really enjoy working with people who need services, and what other field would compliment than the Medical one. I try to motivate myself as much as possible, however, sometimes I give up, but I also think about what I as a person needs to get done and I make sure I get it done. I enjoy helping out others and receiving help from others. Some of my hobbies include golfing, swimming, volleyball, baseball, basketball, and any other outdoor activities and sports. I was born and raised in Detroit, MI, and it’s a shame to see how dramatically the economy of eat is falling, but that’s another story.
Since the beginning of my second semester, I have been enrolled in English 1020 at Wayne State University. When you think of English, many think of writing; writing to me is a form of expression of ideas, views, and opinions. Writing has so many aspects to it, and can be a way of persuasion, entertainment, or communicating something in regards to other people. I have always been a semi-confident writer because I just wrote about how I felt, never over-thinking or analyzing my writing as a whole. I just wrote based on what I felt should be said. At the beginning of my English 1020 class, I was in a huge awakening because I was totally lost somewhere in nowhere land. I had no idea what was to be done and was doing what I understood should have been done in concern to the writing we were obligated to doing. The tasks that were expected throughout the class, you can say I was doing the total opposite. The reason for my doing that I was misinterpreting what was wanted of my professor. I should have asked more questions of the specifics of each of our assignments because I waited too late to play catch up after I had already made two U-turns and so many wrong turns. I believe my writing has improved and I as a writer have also improved, because throughout this class, I have grasped the rhetoric of analyzing and evaluating other readings and my writing also. I admit I still need more practice and have not totally grasped the concepts of writing but I am more conscious of ways of writing now than I was before.
Today, our society is built and formulated around the media. The media somehow regulates how we as people in society live and think about life. Everything people watch on television, read in newspapers, hears on the radio, determines how people think, feel, and act within the society. Everyone does not mimic what is broadcasted from the media, but majority of today’s society does; ranging from children to adolescents, then to adults. Society revolves around what’s hot and what’s not. Media has its positives and negatives, but it’s up to society to differentiate between the two.

Abortion is a societal issue that involves a woman having an operation that includes a woman terminating an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy. Women for plenty of years have had doubts and conflicts on the subject abortion. Choosing rather or not to have an abortion is a right of choice that women should be privileged to. Some people believe abortion is wrong while others believe it is still a woman’s choice. Morally, taking another human being’s life is wrong and abortion is a theory of that. According to, the Michigan’s Department of Community Health’s, Public Act 133 of 1993 created Michigan’s Informed Consent for the Abortion Law. This law specifically gave women information on the abortion process and the things that will happen during the abortion process. Abortion is not for everyone but it becomes a decision for some women and their relationships. Many women turn to abortion because they may not be in the position to conceive a child at a present moment in their life. Continued @

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